NHL 2010-11 Conference Comparison and League Average Record

As of the end of the season 2010-2011.

A comparison of the conferences by total numbers:

  GP W L OTL PTS Pctg. Avg.
West 1230 622 461 147 1391 0.565 92.7
East 1230 608 472 150 1366 0.555 91.1


A comparison of the average team in each conference:

  GP W L OTL PTS Pctg.
West Avg. 82.0 41.5 30.7 9.8 92.7 0.565
East Avg. 82.0 40.5 31.5 10.0 91.1 0.555


A comparison of the 8th-best records in each conference (i.e. the pace required to make the playoffs):

Chicago 82 44 29 9 97 0.591
NY Rangers 82 44 33 5 93 0.567


Finally, the league-wide totals, and the league-wide average team:

  GP W L OTL PTS Pctg. Pace Avg.
Total 2460 1230 933 297 2757 0.560 91.9
Avg. Team 82.0 41.0 31.1 9.9 91.9 0.560 91.9


Explanation of the league-totals:

In other major sports leagues, .500 is always the average record.  The above demonstrates how the “three point game” has artificially elevated the NHL average record.  The average NHL team is much better than .500, and many more NHL teams can tell their fans they finished “above .500” even if they were well below the league average.  You can compare your team to the average team above to see whether your team is truly above average (which is what .500 used to mean).

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